educational videos

Engage young learners with Piggie Bear's award-winning video series. These short educational films address social-emotional learning (SEL) by promoting positive self-esteem and healthy emotional regulation in a fun and engaging way.

emotional Wellness tools for your students

The Power of Piggie Bear recognizes that we all experience "grumpy, bumpy, lumpy days," when we may feel angry, worried, or frustrated, and "foozy, woozy, doozy days," when we feel sad, lonely, and scared. Piggie Bear teaches unique breathing and self-comforting techniques to help children calm their emotions and improve their well-being.

Mara James is the author of the Piggie Bear book series and is also the CEO and Founder of the Extraordinary Lives Foundation.


emotional Wellness tools for your students (In Spanish)

El poder de Piggie Bear reconoce que todos experimentamos días “grumpy, bumpy, lumpy días,” cuando podemos sentirnos enojados, preocupados o frustrados, y “fuzzy, woozy, doozy días” cuando nos sentimos tristes, solos y asustados. Piggie Bear ensena técnicas únicas de respiración y auto consuelo para ayudar a los niños a calmar sus emociones y mejorar su bienestar.

Mara James es la autora de la serie de libros de Piggie Bear y también la CEO y fundadora de ExtraordinaryLives Foundation.


Piggie Bear’s The Power of Happiness helps children to understand that it is important to acknowledge our feelings and how taking quiet moments can help us to navigate through them. In this captivating story (read by Mara James, author, CEO and Founder of the Extraordinary Lives Foundation), Piggie Bear shares valuable insights on how we can all feel better when faced with unpleasant emotions.

Soothing Happy Heart Exercise for Your students

Happy Heart Exercise with Ms. Renata provides a series of breathing techniques and uplifting thoughts to help your child relax and find inner peace.

Renata is a Brazilian Registered Dietitian BR-R.D., has a Holistic Nutrition, is a Body-Mind Therapist, C.B.P. and is the Founder and Practitioner at Body-Mind Healing Center in Dana Point, CA.